Il Gruppo
Relaxing stay in San Marino 4
Relaxing stay in San Marino 5
Relaxing stay in San Marino 6

Relaxing stay in San Marino

Relaxing stay in San Marino thanks to the special proposals of the Mességué weight loss center.

The structure located in the historic center of San Marino offers packages including overnight stay, diet and personalized care treatments.

Proposals at 360 ° and of different duration, which allow you to relax and recover the best psycho-physical condition through ad hoc paths, defined by the medical staff of the Center.


Relaxing stay in San Marino Centro

Different types of packages are available:

Relaxing stay in San Marino historic center

The 6 different types of stay allow to identify the path and experience that best suits their needs.

Through the proposals of the Mességué Center it will be possible to lose weight but also relax and dedicate time to your health and well -being.

At the end of the stay we will feel more relaxed and detoxified. And we will also acquire those skills that will allow us to understand how to maintain the results over time.


Live a relaxing stay in San Marino.

Choose the wellness treatments of the Mességué Center.

Offerte speciali
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